27 December, 2005


About two weeks ago I got a voicemail from a friend from highschool. We were pretty close even after we graduated. Then out of nowhere we just stopped talking. So in this mesasge my friend (we'll call her Schmenisa) said that she'd been thinking about me and that she wanted to get together. We decided on Friday (the 23rd). I drove fourty five minutes in terrible traffic just to get there. And after all that I found out we could only talk for a half hour because she had to be somewhere. To be completely honest, the conversation was terrible. It was actually quite awkward and we never really discussed why we stopped talking in the first place. I really couldn't wait to get out of there. So when the time came for her to be on her way I was relieved. I jumped in my car, picked up my phone and called my other friend (we'll call her Schmenny). She picks up and the first thing I say to her is, "Wow that was the biggest waste of time ever." She responded with, "Ok why are you telling me this now?" At this point I was very confused and was struggling to find a good answer to her question. So I believe I said something along the lines of, "Because I figured I'd talk to you." She then said, "Ok well I'm gonna hang up now." And she did just that. I was completely baffled as to the reason for the abrupt end of the conversation. So I looked down at my phone. It was Schmenny I had called-- it was Schmenisa! How does one recover from this? One doesn't. One simply accepts it...

1 comment:

elea said...

or one could do what one has already done: blog about it so as to get it out of one's system....