19 May, 2006

Forest Ranger (reprise)

No, I haven't fulfilled my high school destiny just yet. But I am spending a lot of time by myself (9 to 10 hours a day) in the beautiful, green outdoors. God and I have been having some pretty good talks during those times. The best of these was on
Wednesday. The night before I didn't get to spend the time with HIM that I wanted--that I needed. Now you have to understand that I've been told all my life that if you forget to read your Bible it's going to ruin your day. So I was really upset with myself the next morning. I just assumed that I had fallen out of grace for the day. For about two or three hours I avoided God. I tried to block Him out with thoughts of my own--idle thoughts, they were. Then finally God broke through the noise. But the funny thing is, He didn't yell at me. He simply said, "It's ok, you can still walk with Me today." So I did. And it was good fellowship. I love grace. And I love how it abounds in my weakness. Makes me love Him more.


elea said...

say a few for me will you? today i feel like the object lesson, and i'm not buying it.

Justin said...

aaron, i love how salvation has nothing to do with me, nothing at all. i just need faith. that makes me happy.

erni, feeling a bit like hosea? i'll bet the eliphazes in your life aren't helping much either...