06 February, 2006


It has been a long time, I know. But such is life. I've been frantically busy over the past month and am relishing this short respite from all my stresses. Hopefully my friends have not forgotten about me! God has been doing some amazing things in my life over the past few weeks. Things that just a couple months ago would have been so hard for me to go through but now, somehow they are easy. I do not say this to deny my humanity. I am human and I know and I love it. That is the way God made me us. However, I feel that God has been preparing me for this for about seven months now. I'm still in the midst of my "journey" at this point. Really I'm in sight of my starting point so there's not much to fear. But I know as my comfort zone gets further out of sight, it's going to get much more difficult. But praise God that there is a joy in the journey.... Pray for me, friends although I so often fail to pray for you all.

1 comment:

elea said...

good to hear. hope you get this and are well. it's been a few days!