13 June, 2006

I heart existentialism

Dinner and a movie included:
Kosher dill pickles, string cheese, tuna with walnuts and hot sauce in taco shells, chocolate milk, and nestle toll house morsels for dessert. Coincidentally (or not) I made some rice but left it in the microwave. We decided it was meant to be. I made the rice for nothing (or everything).


elea said...

well done justin. my favorite part was the rice in the microwave. it was fate. you could do nothing about it because you have no control (neither does anyone else)--(all said tongue in cheek you know:).

Justin said...

the best part is that the rice is still in the microwave. i'm not taking it out.

Justin said...

but aaron, then you are giving something an identity when it really has none. the rice is me, i am the rice. it was made to be made, not to be eaten. there is nothing special about it.

Gloamer said...

what kind of guitar?

Justin said...

does it really matter? everything is connected. it's all the same.

crt said...

i can relate to the rice

Justin said...

stranger, it doesn't matter where it is on the blanket. that's just an illustration to show how everything is the same.

Gloamer said...

...way too much time on your hands.

Justin said...

no timf, there is no place for plato in existentialism. the rice has no identity. if you look cosely at the rice, it's impossible to tell where it ends and space begins. the particles of space and of the rice swirl about eachother. so you see timf, the rice is not a dimmer, less concrete form of it's perfect self (or as i like to call it-- "uber-rice"). it is merely an object that we are meant to relate to in someway. "how?" you may ask. well the answer is different for every individual. maybe you'll get it this next time, timf.

Justin said...

well you could tell it. yes, that's right! it's still in the microwave.

the other aaron said...

i ate rices today. they tasted good to me. and dude, i think it's time to throw out your rice.

elea said...

i (don't) heart plato....leave him out of this....the linear freak.

Justin said...

the rice has been thrown away. my mother read my blog.

i must admit, elea, there lies a small place in my heart for plato (and C.S. for that matter) when it comes to heaven. there seems to be some hinting of that in romans don't you think?

Justin said...

of course i have! no wait, just time. i don't know what you're talking about.

Justin said...

i love the way all my worlds have collided in this one post.

Justin said...

then put pictures on your own blog. oh wait a second, ya do-- all 200 of 'em!

Justin said...

yeah i think i'm done posting here. may as well quit while i'm ahead.

steadybelieving said...

forty six! huzzah!

Justin said...

ok this is not me

RC said...

i love it, that's fantastic.

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com