04 July, 2006


Last night, a sprained ankle brought me to a friend's house earlier than I expected, and consequently kept me there much longer than I expected. Now, lately my friend and I have found ourselves discussing the test. Last night was no different. We began talking about how our types manifest themselves in our walk with God. My dear friend wisely pointed out that I like things to be in order. This is no secret. I have a plan, I know how my day is supposed to go. And more often than not it goes that way. But inevitably there are those times when all my planning falls apart. In which case, as this friend so bluntly told me, I fall apart. This got me thinking about my current circumstances. God has told me to do some very bizarre, strange, and even hard things. So I immediately start believing that God is going to give all of those things to me. Which leads to me planning how all of this is going to come about--and it's a pretty good plan, I must admit. But right now I'm 0-3, and that frustrates me. I find myself telling God, "Ok, this is the only way this is all going to work out, so you've got to do it this way!" Doesn't happen.

When I got home late last night/early this morning I was miraculously led to an article by Andree Seu entitled "Simple Faith" which reminded me of a promise that I had read multiple times in the past few weeks:

"For I know what I have planed for you," says the LORD. "I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope."

Jeremiah 29:11

The way God brought about that plan certainly was not the way His people wanted it happen. But it was safe, it was perfect, it was beautiful.

I must simply believe this for myself. God doesn't have to give me His promises the way I expect Him to. In fact, now I'm expecting Him to do it in the most unlikely of ways. I'm expecting the impossible. The "wonder and wildness" is back.


elea said...

wait. you won't know what hit you.

Justin said...

oh i'm seeing some wall-climbing in my future. what do you think?

Justin said...

if you were a true intj, you would have noticed the "intj" link on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I quit two years ago.


Also, I'm an INFP. Surprised?

elea said...

yeah, another infp...except infp's don't like the fact that there are others out there like them....they relish the "alone" motif.

Justin said...

congratulations, arden--on both accounts. i have two other INFP friends and they are some of my favorite people in the world, although i have no idea why...