22 May, 2006

Junior High, Dryads, and Other Digressions *sigh*

I'm sitting here eating my Lucky Charms realizing for the first time that I suffered a minor trauma as a child. In elementary school I would often stay with my grandma when my parents were out of time. Contrary to popular opinion, I usually enjoyed myself there even though there was nothing to do. I'd usually wind up getting out of bed early and eating breakfast with my grandma. She didn't have much--typically just Raisin Bran and Fiber One with some cut up bananas to top it off. It was good enough though. Except for when I started pouring the cereal. She didn't like it when I poured it with my spoon in the bowl. I really don't know why. All I know is that whenever I pour cereal with my spoon in the bowl I feel very uncomfortable. I guess I've developed some sort of complex. So Grams, if you're reading, thanks a lot. :-)

This is the dryad I met on Wednesday. He was starting to take a liking to me--that is until they cut him down in his prime. But his memory still lives on in this picture (Look at the way the leaves glisten as though under some sort of enchantment. Oh yeah, it's magic.)

Today I stumbled across a note just lying on the side of the road. Nothing special. Just written on a sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 college rule paper. Here's what I could make out: (for it had been there for a while and the rain and made most of it illegible)

"Hey, I kinda sorta like you to [sic]... (the rest had been washed away, save the last two lines)

PS write back soon
PSS what will your ---- think?"

The second to last word was washed away as well. I chose the word "mom" to fill in the blank. It made me laugh.

I really miss the days when I could get away with sending notes like this. Now you actually have to open yourself up to embarrassment and talk to the girl face to face. Oh how I long for simplicity again!


elea said...

i love to pick memories up off the pavement. have you ever been to http://www.foundmagazine.com/?

you would love it. go.

Justin said...

oh dear, i love it! i will doubtless be wasting countless hours navigating this site in the near future.